Introducing our new cyclical menu

For most food services, a cyclical menu is often essential, especially for CPE and daycare centers. Children's nutrition can sometimes be a challenge. That's why we've teamed up with Julie Marcil, a nutritionist specializing in children's nutrition, to develop a guide specifically for daycares and CPEs.

With also the collaboration of Groupe Laurive, chef Marie-Ève Collin and chef Jean Veillette, we designed a 3-week cyclical menu. This tool includes 15 morning snacks, 15 lunches, 15 side dishes, 15 desserts and 15 afternoon snacks.

Download it, it's free! Available only in French as a PDF file or directly online.


The cyclical menu allows you to benefit from :

  • Better budget and order prevision for food service, since meals are known several weeks in advance;
  • Better time management and greater efficiency in recipe preparation, as employees gain the confidence and experience to produce meals that recur according to the frequency of the cycle;
  • Better management of employees' schedules. The number of hours and employees required is known in advance, depending on the recipes to be produced;
  • Better management of food inventory and storage space, since there's no need to keep a large stock, a considerable advantage for CPEs with limited storage space;
  • Better management of leftovers, since you can plan your menu according to what you've prepared the day before. For example, you can make more ham on Monday and use the leftovers for pasta salad the following day.
  • More variety on the plate, since it's possible to plan the menu in advance and match the colors, shapes and textures offered, and avoid repeating foods on the menu.